Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fishing With The Fox

This past weekend I flew back to Oklahoma to surprise my grandfather Pat aka "The Silver Fox," for his 80th birthday. My aunt had organized a weekend excursion to Lake Texoma to do some fishing for the weekend. Overall, the trip was a huge success and i actually caught some fish, which made me feel a little bit more like a man.

Pat's reaction upon me and my brother arriving

my brother checkin' the fishing reports I think?

Graham and the birthday boy

Pat's brother Clark made the trip from Denver.

the first catch of the trip....it was a biggie

playin it cool after the big catch

my dad wearing his 30 year old LL Bean boots

our neighbors....The Pirkles. Inneresting last name......

trailers divided

After a big day of fishing, you gotta go to BG's Catch Cafe

the good stuff

local scene at BG's on a Friday night

locals beware, the "MAN" table

silhouette of my grandfather/my favorite picture of the trip

the bare essentials

if ya play it cool (like this pic here)

....then ya catch the big one's

3 generations of Colton
....then ya catch the big one's

group photo
sun setting at texoma

Happy Birthday Pat!!!!!!!

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